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🍔 Recipes app

Mobile Recipes app using React Native (Expo), Supabase and OpenAI.


  • User authentication
    • Sign up
    • Sign in
    • Sign out
  • Recipes on the home screen
  • Recipe details
  • Generate recipe based on uploaded food image
  • Store recipes in Supabase database and storage
  • Generate recipe based uploaded recipe image
  • Generate recipe based on text input
  • Edit generated recipe
  • Share recipe
  • Like recipe
  • Comment on recipe
  • Search for recipes

Adding or updating .env variables

When adding or updating .env variables, you need to run eas env:push to update the environment variables on the EAS build servers.

Run the app on a local device (emulator)

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: bun install
  3. Prebuild the app: npx expo prebuild
  4. To start the app on an emulator (make sure you have an emulator running):
    • iOS: npx expo run:ios
    • Android: npx expo run:android

Generate types based on Supabase schema

  1. Run bun generate:types to generate types based on the Supabase database schema.

Run Supabase functions locally

  1. Install Deno: brew install deno
  2. Run Docker locally
  3. Run bun supabase:dev to start the Supabase functions locally

Deploy Supabase functions

  1. Run bun supabase:deploy to deploy the Supabase functions to the Supabase instance

Run the app on a physical device (EAS build)

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: bun install
  3. Create EAS production build: bun build:production (configured for Android)

Create a local build (APK)

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: bun install
  3. Prebuild the app: npx expo prebuild
  4. Create a local build: bun build:local (configured for Android)
